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Physical Health Providers

There are dozens of different disciplines that work hard to ensure the physical health of our community. Medical professionals, fitness trainers, nutritionists, and many others undertake this task on a daily basis. Food pantries, shelters, and other organizations also assist with the overall wellbeing of our community. Each of these groups have their own focus and consequently their own needs. 

The resources you find below will be focused on:
implementing self-care and personal growth to avoid burnout and
incorporating trauma sensitive approaches with the people in your care.

**Special thanks to one of our local nurses (pictured on the left) and Lorna Jarrett of Pneuma Pilates & Wellness (pictured on the right) for their service to our community. Thank you Ryan Burnett (photographer) and Life.Church Lenexa for sponsoring the photos on this page.**


Resources for Physical Health Providers

Free Training

The Trauma Healing Center offers free training for you and your staff. Our trainings use solid biblical principles and research-based interventions to equip you to better assist the people in your care. 


Contact our Executive Director, Melissa Finger, for a list of trainings we offer.


We are searching for Podcasts that will help you grow personally and professionally. Here are a couple of our favorites!


Craig Groeschel Leadership Podcast

*  Freedom for Medical Professionals Summit



While there are thousands of books geared toward the medical community, our focus is on books that will help you better serve individuals who are dealing with emotional trauma in additional to their physical needs. We will also limit our recommendations to books that we have read or that have been recommended by one of our Community Partners. Here are a few for your review!


* Building Bounce: How to Grow Emotional Resilience by Marcus Warner and Stefanie Hinman explains the theory behind growing emotional resilience and provides practical tools you can use in a variety of settings. These tools will help you minimize compassion fatigue and strengthen you for the many challenges unique to the medical profession.

* The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk, MD gives a great deal of information on how trauma can impact the body years after the trauma has ended. This knowledge can be invaluable when working within a personal's physical space.

A Minute to Think: Reclaim Creativity, Conquer Busyness, and Do Your Best Work by Juliet Funt will help you with practical strategies to manage work-related stress and conquer the fatigue that comes with endless work shifts and challenging staffing issues. Small changes can yield big results! 



Finding websites with valuable resources for you, your staff, and your patients can be helpful. We will post website recommendations as we have them here, so check back often!

* Prayers for Nurses

Support for the Medical Community

Being a leader in our community is hard, but you don't have to do it alone. As a leader, you may find a time when you need someone outside of your organization to talk to. Friends and family can be a great personal support, but sometimes you need more. Below are a few options for healing, restoration, and community for you and your family.

Mental Health Support

Prayer Ministries


We will post community events for the medical community as the information is available.


Resources for the People in Your Care

To find resources to pass along to the people in your care, please visit our Community Resource page.

Take me to the Community Resource page
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